Five For Friday 6/17/11
This is going to be real short and sweet, and pretty boring since I have family to spend time with…
1. Medical Stuff:
- 1 day of PT.
- 2 days of Home Rehab.
- First time in a while I had 0 doctor appointments in a week!
Just a "zebra" trying my best to live life to the fullest with EDS and POTS...and loving the ride.
This is going to be real short and sweet, and pretty boring since I have family to spend time with…
1. Medical Stuff:
Late again. I am noticing a pattern. If I have a crazy week, then by Friday night I have about one spoon left which I need to use to get ready for bed instead of blogging. Last night I was also covered in Vick’s Vapor Rub from head to toe and had to do a couple of nebulizer treatments to get my asthma under control. I am really, REALLY trying to dodge a trip to urgent care. Anyways, here are my “five + 1” for this week….
1. Medical Stuff:
1. Medical Stuff:
I was going to do “Seven for Sunday” but it just bugged me too much that it would throw off my consistent “Five For Fridays” posts…Maybe that’s my Montessori mind needing to have order and repetition, or maybe it’s just plain ol’ OCD. Anyways, here’s my 5+2 for the week…
1. Medical Stuff: