Event Website!
Drumroll please…
Allie and I are so excited to announce that the event website is up and running!
Just a "zebra" trying my best to live life to the fullest with EDS and POTS...and loving the ride.
Drumroll please…
Allie and I are so excited to announce that the event website is up and running!
Here’s 10 things I am going to work on for the upcoming week:
Whoa! March already? How did that happen?!
1. Medical Stuff:
Happy National Rare Disease Day everyone!
We have been working night and day trying to get everything up and running for the event!
We are so excited to announce that you can now buy tickets at:
It all started as a dream.
And then the dream slowly turned into a ginormous goal.
And then the dream that had become the goal, finally became a reality this week.