Just a "zebra" trying my best to live life to the fullest with EDS and POTS...and loving the ride.

Five For Friday 4/15/11

Written by Katie. Posted in Five For Friday

After a big week last week of Bob Seger and Philly, I knew I had to lay pretty low this week…Sunday and Monday I was a mess, but by Tuesday I was feeling a lot more human.  Hopefully these five won’t bore you to tears…Especially since I have only a couple of pictures.  Everything on my computer was wiped out yesterday.  I still don’t know why.  Sighhhhhhhhhhhhhhh…

1.  Medical Stuff: 

  • 2 days of PT.  Circuit work and elliptical work.  I tried to do the recumbent bike yesterday but I was “taching” too much (heart rate too high) so I had to stop.  At least I got in a good amount of strengthening before the POTS attack hit.
  • 2 days of home rehab.
  • I had my monthly appointment with Larry.  I turned in my Apollo 13 assignment, we talked about where I am at with my goals/progress, what to discuss with Dr. Cantieri on Monday and Dr. Grubb’s NP on Wednesday, and we figured out a plan for my continuing physical therapy.
  • After going over my sources of pain, we realized that EDS is affecting my jaw.  It keeps popping and subluxing, giving me some of my neck and jaw pain.  I am to wear my mouth guard more, and watch it.  If it gets too bad, I can be referred to a doctor who only works on TMJ problems.  I have also heard you can have prolotherapy on your jaw.  Hmmm… 
  • Larry wrote me a prescription for a new pain med cream I had to have made at the compound pharmacy to help with spasms; especially in my neck (since I HATE taking muscle relaxers).  He also wrote me a prescription for open toe compression stockings!
  • The good news about open toe stockings?  They are open toe.  The bad news about open toe stockings?  They only come in opaque, not sheer like my other ones.  I guess beggars can’t be choosers, right?  I am still waiting for them to come in the mail.

Five for Friday + 2…4/10/11

Written by Katie. Posted in Five For Friday

I was going to do “Seven for Sunday” but it just bugged me too much that it would throw off my consistent “Five For Fridays” posts…Maybe that’s my Montessori mind needing to have order and repetition, or maybe it’s just plain ol’ OCD.  Anyways, here’s my 5+2 for the week… 

1.  Medical Stuff:

  • My blood work came back all normal.  Like I always remind myself, I still have my GOOD HEALTH! 
  • 1 Day of PT. 
  • 2 Days of strengthening exercises in Philly.  My glutes better be firing by now. 
  • Back to reality this week.  Hardcore therapy and kale smoothies, here I come!

Five For Friday 4/1/11

Written by Katie. Posted in Five For Friday

1.  Medical Stuff: 

  • I graduated from physical therapy and Dr. Rosen.

2.  I broke down and bought a German Shepherd for Brad.

3.  I slept at my house like a big girl when Brad was out of town.

4.  I broke my wrist.

5. I decided I like anchovies and broccoli now.

Five For Friday 3/25/11

Written by Katie. Posted in Five For Friday

1.  Medical Stuff:

  • Prolotherapy round 3 was Monday.
  • 2 Days of Home Rehab.
  • 1 Day of PT
  • It is official~I will be seeing Dr. Grubb’s NP for POTS on April 20th.  I received the packet this week.
  • I am loving my new compression stockings.
  • Pelvic clocks, glute retraining, scapular exercises, and the recumbent bike are my new BFFs.

Five For Friday 3/18/11

Written by Katie. Posted in Five For Friday


1.  Medical Stuff:
  • 2 Days of PT-Did regular circuit strengthening.  My PT also put new foot lifts in my shoes to give me better support. 
  • 2 Days of Home Rehab.
  • I got into Dr. Grubb’s Nurse Practitioner!  I had sent my info into their office in December and they called me Tuesday to schedule an appointment.  My appointment is in Toledo on April 20th, to get another expert’s opinion on POTS and my treatment.  It takes a year or more to get into Dr. Grubb himself so I jumped at the chance to see the NP since I was told they work very closely together.  I was also told to expect at least 2 hours for my appointment because she will go over EVERYTHING.  At a couple of my EDS appointments in the past year, I was told that Dr. Grubb probably has the best understanding about how POTS plays into EDS so that is promising to me.
  • My ribs hurt!  It’s been pretty frustrating.  I go back Monday to get my third round of prolotherapy (I cannot believe it’s already been 3 weeks!) so I will definitely be bringing up my ribs because they are worrying me!
  • I had to go to Sparrow Medical Supply to get a new pair of compression stockings since one of my stockings ripped in half when I was taking it off.  ?Oops.
RIP my first pair of compression stockings.  You were good to me.