Posts Tagged ‘Family’
Five For Friday 8/21/11 + 2
1. Medical Stuff:
- 4 Days of Home Rehab.
- Requested and requested and requested and faxed and faxed and faxed more medical records…
Five For Friday 8/12/11
1. Medical Stuff:
- 3 Days of Home Rehab. My shoulder did not pop out of socket. Correlation? I think so.
- 1 Day of PT
- I had a Dr. Rosen appointment. We talked more about the future and reviewed what is in my control and what is not. Needed that.
- I had my monthly appointment with Larry. We also made a future plan. I will explain more when I know more facts.
- I spent a lot of time on record request paperwork this week.
Five For Friday +2…8/7/11
I’m back! Since I was on vacation all week, this will have to be the vacation edition of Five For Friday.
1. Medical Stuff:
My PT gave me permission to “just relax and enjoy the week” since I was on vacation. However, I did do one day of rehab at the beach house, which I quickly figured out was not enough. After 5 days of no rehab, I began to feel like my joints were coming unglued again. It is amazing how fast my joints start to go downhill, without doing any strengthening. At one point, I picked CeCe Baby up, and my shoulder popped out of socket. Thankfully, my Mom was there to catch her. Good to know, but also a big reality check that rehab will forever be a part of my life to maintain function. Needless to say, I will be back at it hardcore tomorrow…
Five For Friday 7/29/11
1. Medical Stuff:
- 3 Days of Home Rehab.
- 1 Day of PT. We worked a lot on trying to get my lower scaps to fire properly.
- Round 7 of prolotherapy on my ribs, neck, and jaw. Yes, jaw. I return in 6 weeks for round 8.