1. Medical Stuff:
- 2 Days of Home Rehab.
- 1 Day of PT for filming a Life as a Zebra news story, a workout, and for a stern talking to by my PT about how I have worked too hard not to be pacing myself better when it comes to work and life in general. She is absolutely right. Working on it…
- Zero doctor’s appointments.
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1. Medical Stuff:
- 3 Days of Home Rehab. Treadmill, light weights, glute & scap fires, & balance work.
- I had prolotherapy on my upper back, neck, and jaw on Friday. I will dedicate a blog post to that later (hopefully today).
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1. Medical Stuff:
- 3 Days of Home Rehab/Strengthening/Lifting. This is a huge improvement over last week.
- I saw my OMM doctor on Thursday. I had a fever which is weird because I wasn’t feeling terrible. It was also one of those appointments when the nurse took my blood pressure, stopped, looked at me with concern and said, “I’m not sure how you are still talking to me with a blood pressure this low.” That was my cue to down some soy sauce and lie down. Once, I saw the doctor, she worked from my pelvis to my neck. Let me just say that for someone so hypermobile, it’s pretty crazy how stuck my OA joints (neck) get.
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1. Medical Stuff:
- 1 Day of Home Rehab. I really failed this week at finding the energy or the time to rehab. This obviously has to change.
- No PT. My “break” is almost over.
- No doctor’s appointments.
- I spent Labor Day going to Urgent Care not once, but twice, for an infected toe from a pedicure. Long story.
- Insomnia. Sigh. You all know it’s my fave (insert sarcasm here). I have to keep reminding myself that, “this too shall pass.”
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1. Medical Stuff:
- 4 Days of Home Rehab. Since I am still off from PT for a little longer, I am much more limited with equipment, so therapy has consisted of a lot of treadmill or outside walking with steep inclines, a lot of joint strengthening exercises (supermans, glute fires, squats, etc.), and a lot of light weight lifting for my upper body.
- Zero doctors appointments this week AND next week (so I can get used to school). Amazing.
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